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Safeguarding AGVs by SICK (Part 2): Active safety for people protection
how active safety components, such as SICK safety laser scanners, help to prevent accidents involving AGVs
Safeguarding AGVs by SICK (Part 1): Why AGVs have to be safeguarded
This video shows why AGVs – and other industrial vehicles – must be safeguarded and how this happens,
Navigating safety and productivity – Tailored safety solutions for mobile robots
Our video explores
state-of-the-art technologies and methodologies that are pivotal in maintaining
Turnkey Safety Solutions from SICK: Ensuring Productivity and Safety
We offer comprehensive turnkey safety solutions to make your machines safer and more productive.
Sicherheitsdienstleistungen von SICK: Beratung, Engineering und schlüsselfertige Lösungen
Die Sicherheitsexperten von SICK unterstützen Sie beim Bau oder Betrieb sicherer Maschinen.
#40SecondsOfSafety: Join the ride for more safety and productivity!
With turnkey safety solutions, we support you in making your machines not only safer, but also more productive
Schlüsselfertige Sicherheitslösungen von SICK: Produktivität und Sicherheit gewährleisten
Wenn Maschinen und Systeme nachgerüstet oder modernisiert werden müssen, ändern sich oft auch die Sicherheitsanforderungen
Safety Services from SICK: Consultancy, engineering and turnkey solutions
The safety experts of SICK help you building or providing safe machines.
Safe Productivity: Empower your business with safety solutions from SICK
We call this Safe Productivity.
safeVisionary2 – Safe 3D camera tackles common AGV problem and helps avoid collisions
safeVisionary2 detects a pallet transported by a manned forklift truck and prevents a collision by safely