02:54Dauer 2 Minuten 54 Sekunden
Configuring the Safe EFI-pro System (3/3): Flexi…
Configuring the Safe EFI-pro System (3/3): Flexi Soft + EtherNet/IP™ CIP Safety™ devices
Configuring the Safe EFI-pro System in the Safety…
03:26Dauer 3 Minuten 26 Sekunden
Configuring the Safe EFI-pro System (2/3):…
Configuring the Safe EFI-pro System (2/3): Connecting various Flexi Soft stations
04:23Dauer 4 Minuten 23 Sekunden
Configuring the Safe EFI-pro System (1/3):…
Configuring the Safe EFI-pro System (1/3): Connecting Flexi Soft with microScan3